This Month's Special!
 Neu-Becalm'd . . . A New Beginning For Life!
Ext. 7828KB
Previously Available Only From Hospitals, Clinics and Rehab Centers.

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 beCALM'd is 
 100% All Natural

 It is Amino Acids  
 and Vitamins in 
 a Special Formula! 

Concentration and 
 Mental Focus.  
 Helps you to Sleep  
 Better! And more!

 No Drugs
No Chemicals!

Have You Been Told You Have A Deficiency Of
Serotonin, Dopamine, GABA, Norepinephrine, Or Enkephalin?

Natural Source For Neurotransmitters

What Are Neurotransmitters and . . .
How They Affect Your Life?

Just like hormones govern many chemical functions in the body, the brain's chemical functions are governed by "neurotransmitters."

Natural Product
For Neurotransmitters!
A neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger used by neurons (nerve cells) to communicate in one direction with other neurons. Communication between neurons is accomplished by the recognition of a receptor for a specific chemical messenger; picture a ball (neurotransmitter) in a cup (receptor).

The human brain is very capable of automatically manufacturing the quantity of chemicals it needs IF it is given the raw materials (nutrients from foods) to do so.
However, normal diet does not supply enough of the raw materials the brain needs to manufacture enough neurotransmitters. Additionally, stress, worry, depression, emotional ups and downs, drugs, alcohol, poor nutrition, pollution and other factors of modern life are known to deplete neurotransmitter levels.

Neurotransmitter deficiency and/or unbalance can affect your stress condition, energy, appetite, cravings, sleep, mood, learning ability, focus, memory, sex drive, anger, irritability, temper, addictions and many other functions of daily life

With the amount of stress and diet inadequacy in our modern life we
would have to consume approximately:

Several pounds of fish, multiple servings of whole milk, many platters
of cheese and turkey every day just to keep our neurotransmitter levels normal.

. . . Or, we could accomplish the same thing by taking beCALM'd.

Order Here
Neu-BeCalm'd™ Nutritional Support For Replenishment of Neurotransmitters.
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Try NeuBecalm'd™ - The Nutrition Solution
and Feel the Difference!

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US: 866-227-0068 Extension: 7828KB
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Mack Laughlin - Contact Us
Order By Phone: (615)223-1367
Independent Distributor ID# 7828KB

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Statements relating to these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

Previously Available Only From Hospitals, Clinics and Rehab Centers.
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